At the theater - Let’s spend the evening out with our friend / boyfriend at a play

Mary:Good afternoon, Jane, what do you want to do in the evening?

Jane:Nothing special, what are you thinking about?

Mary:I’m inviting you to the theater.

Jane:What kind of play?

Mary:It’s a comedy, I saw a TV commercial on the street and it drove my attention. It’s called “The odd couple”.

Jane:Oh, Neil Simon. I would like to go. What time does it start?

Mary:At half past eight. We can buy tickets there.

Jane:Yes, right. See you at eight, in front of the building.

At the theater

Jane:Take two seats in the auditorium, ok?

Mary:I say we’d better go in the gallery.

Jane:Very well. Should we order something to drink and eat?

Mary:No, thanks, I don’t want anything, but if you do…I would prefer a cigarette

Jane:Let’s go to the smoking area.

After the play:

Jane:How was the play?

Mary:Great. Did you see the actors ‘costumes? They were colorful and very joyful, all so lively.

Jane:Not to mention the scene. The auditorium was full of spectators.

Mary:Yes, truly wonderful. It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for the invitation.

Jane:You’re welcome.
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