Introductions – Introducing ourselves and talking about us or a friend to others - Dialogue Free Online

Mary: Hello, George. How are you? Are you OK?

George: Hello, Mary. I’m fine, thank you. I have gone out a little with a colleague of mine, Marc. Let me introduce him: Mary, this is Marc, Marc, this is Mary, a friend of mine.

Mary: Hello, Marc. Nice to meet you.

Marc: Nice to meet you too, Mary. Where are you from, because you don’t look from around here?

Mary: I’m from France. I came here, in London, to study at the university.

George: Mary is a very bright and studious girl.

Mary: Thank you, you are very kind, as usual. And where are you from, Marc?

Marc: I’m from London; I was born and raised here.

Mary: I see. Unfortunately, I have to go now. I’m in a hurry. It was a great pleasure seeing you again, George, and meeting you Marc. See you around!

George: Good bye, Mary! Have a nice day!

Marc: Good bye, Mary. It was a pleasure for me also.
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