At the cinema- Let’s talk about favorite movies, actors and actresses

Anna: Hi, Eve! Wanna go to the cinema today? What do you think about it?

Eve: Hi, Anna! Is there any nice movie playing?

Anna: I heard Mario talking about a romantic comedy which just came out. Shall we go?

Eve: Let’s go! I don’t have anything better to do and I don’t wanna stay home alone.

At the cinema

Anna: We’d like two tickets in the first rows so we can have a better view, please!

Eve: There’s a lot of people, it’s got to be a really good movie! I can’t wait!

Anna: Of course, Mario talked a lot about it and I’m dying to see what’s it about. He didn’t give me any details.

Eve: Let’s get some popcorn and something to drink. Today it’s on me!

Anna: Ok, but hurry up cause the movie is about to start.

Eve: Here you go!

Anna: Thanks! Now shut up! It’s starting!

After the movie:

Anna: Brad Pitt is such a talented actor and he’s so handsome.

Eve: Yeah, he played very well. You made a great choice!

Anna: I told you Mario is never wrong. He’s an expert and he loves movies.

Eve: The leading female character also played very well, I liked her so much!

Anna: Me, too! This is one of the best movies I’ve seen lately.
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