3 Rooting hormones for lemon cuttings

How to multiply your lemon trees with cuttings and rooting hormones?

  • Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is a synthetic hormone that is widely used to promote root growth in a variety of plants, including lemon cuttings. It is available in powdered or liquid form, and can be applied to the cutting before planting.

  • Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is another synthetic hormone that is commonly used to promote root growth in lemon cuttings. It is available in powdered or liquid form, and can be applied to the cutting before planting.

  • Natural rooting hormone such as willow water, honey, aloe vera gel, cinnamon and rooting hormone powders made from natural sources such as kelp or ginger. These substances work by providing the plant with the necessary hormones and nutrients to encourage root development.

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