Adjective phrase in English Grammar with examples

 An adjective phrase is a group of words that acts as an adjective in a sentence, typically consisting of an adjective and any modifying words or phrases. They are important in language because they provide more information and detail about the noun or pronoun being described.

Examples of adjective phrases include "very tired," "extremely happy," and "slightly confused." They can be used in sentences such as 

  • "She is very tired from her long journey," 
  • "He is extremely happy to see his family," and 
  • "I am slightly confused about the instructions."

Special cases to consider when using adjective phrases include the use of adverb phrases, such as "extremely tired," and the use of prepositional phrases, such as "tired from her long journey."

Examples of these special cases include:

  • Adverb phrase: "extremely tired"
  • Prepositional phrase: "tired from her long journey"

Common mistakes 

include placing the adjective phrase in the wrong position in the sentence or using the wrong form of the adjective.

Questions that can be used to identify adjective phrases include:

  • What words are modifying the noun or pronoun?
  • What type of phrase is modifying the noun or pronoun? (adjective phrase, adverb phrase, prepositional phrase)

Practical uses of adjective phrases include:

  • Describing emotions or feelings, such as "She was extremely excited for her vacation."
  • Describing physical or mental states, such as "He was feeling slightly ill."
  • Describing the level of importance or urgency, such as "This project is extremely important."
  • Describing the level of certainty or uncertainty, such as "I am slightly uncertain about the outcome."


  1. Identify the adjective phrase in the sentence: "The very tired dog lay on the couch."
  2. Write a sentence that uses an adjective phrase to describe a person's emotions: "She was ___ when she heard the news."
  3. Write a sentence that uses an adjective phrase to describe a physical state: "He was feeling ___ after his workout."
  4. Write a sentence that uses an adjective phrase to describe the level of importance: "This task is ___ important."
  5. Complete the sentence with an adjective phrase: "The ___ cat slept on the windowsill."


  1. "very tired"
  2. "She was extremely excited when she heard the news."
  3. "He was feeling slightly sore after his workout."
  4. "This task is extremely important."
  5. "The black and white cat slept on the windowsill."
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