Adjectives Introductions English Grammar Lessson

 Adjectives: Adjectives are an important part of language as they provide additional information about nouns and pronouns, making our communication more specific and descriptive. They allow us to express our thoughts and ideas with more precision and clarity.


Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns. They provide additional information about the noun or pronoun, such as size, color, shape, age, and more.


  1. The tall building stood out among the other buildings on the street. (describing building)
  2. She wore a beautiful red dress to the party. (describing dress)
  3. The old car had seen better days. (describing car)

Special Cases:

  1. Order of adjectives: When using multiple adjectives to describe a noun, there is a specific order that should be followed. The order is usually: Opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, and purpose. Example: The small, round, old, wooden table was in the corner.
  2. Adjective clauses: An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. It is introduced by a relative pronoun (such as who, whom, whose, that, or which) or a relative adverb (such as when or where). Example: The book, which was on the shelf, was very old.

Practical Uses:

  1. In creative writing, adjectives can be used to create vivid imagery and description. Example: The bright, orange sun set behind the majestic, snow-capped mountains.
  2. In resumes, adjectives can be used to describe accomplishments and skills. Example: Demonstrated strong leadership abilities in successfully managing a team of 20 employees.


  1. Write a descriptive paragraph using at least 5 adjectives.
  2. Identify the adjectives in the following sentences and list them in order of appearance: The small, round, old, wooden table was in the corner.
  3. Write a sentence comparing two things using a comparative adjective.
  4. Correct the adjective agreement errors in the following sentences: The group of boy is playing soccer.
  5. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate adjective: The ___ cat slept on the couch all day.


  • For exercise 1, a descriptive paragraph using at least 5 adjectives could be: "The golden sunset cast a warm glow over the tranquil lake, illuminating the tall trees that stood proud along the shoreline. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, as the peaceful sound of chirping birds filled the air. The serene scene was a perfect end to a beautiful day."
  • For exercise 2, the adjectives in the sentence "The small, round, old, wooden table was in the corner" would be in the order of appearance: small, round, old, wooden.
  • For exercise 3, an example of a sentence comparing two things using a comparative adjective could be "The cat is more playful than the dog."
  • For exercise 4, the sentence "The group of boy is playing soccer" would need to be corrected to "The group of boys is playing soccer" to make the adjective "boys" agree in number with the noun "group".
  • For exercise 5, the most appropriate adjective for the sentence "The ___ cat slept on the couch all day" would depend on what specific aspect of the cat you want to describe. It could be "sleeping", "lazy", "fat", "fluffy", or any other adjective that describes the cat's behavior or appearance.

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