Adverbs that modify Verbs Grammar lesson

Adverbs modifying verbs are important in language as they add additional information about the verb, such as when, where, how, or to what extent an action is being performed.

An adverb modifies a verb by providing more information about the action being described. For example, "He sings loudly" the adverb "loudly" modifies the verb "sings" by describing the manner in which he sings.

Here are some examples of adverbs modifying verbs:

  • "He speaks quickly" (modifying how he speaks)
  • "She runs daily" (modifying when she runs)
  • "They work diligently" (modifying to what extent they work)

Special cases:

  • Adverbs that can come before or after a verb.
    • "He carefully opened the door."
    • "He opened the door carefully."
  • Adverbs that can come before or after an object.
    • "He sang the song loudly."
    • "He loudly sang the song."

Common Mistakes:

  • Confusing adverbs with adjectives:
    • "He speaks good English" (incorrect, "good" is an adjective, should be "well")
  • Improper placement of adverbs:
    • "He sings always loudly" (incorrect, should be "He always sings loudly")

Practical uses:

  • In written work, adverbs can be used to add detail and description to sentences, making them more interesting and engaging for the reader.
  • In spoken language, adverbs can be used to add emphasis or to convey tone.
  • In business writing, adverbs can be used to add precision to instructions, reports or emails.
  • In creative writing, adverbs can be used to add color and atmosphere to a scene.


  1. Complete the sentence with the correct adverb: "She ___ dances." (Answer: "She gracefully dances.")
  2. Identify the adverb and state what it modifies: "He spoke softly to the baby." (Answer: "softly" modifies "spoke")
  3. Write a sentence using an adverb to describe how an action is being performed: "He ___paints." (Answer: "He skillfully paints.") 
  4. Write a sentence using an adverb to describe when an action is being performed: "They ___ go to the beach." (Answer: "They occasionally go to the beach.")
  5. Write a sentence using an adverb to describe to what extent an action is being performed: "She ___ studies for her exams." (Answer: "She earnestly studies for her exams.")
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