Build a game in javascript Basic outline & example

Basic outline for building a game in JavaScript:

  1. Choose a game concept: The first step in building a game is to decide on the concept and mechanics. This can be a simple game like a memory match or a more complex game like a platformer. It's important to choose a game concept that is within your skill level, so that you can focus on learning the basics of JavaScript.

  2. Design the game: Once you have chosen a concept, you can begin designing the game. This would involve creating a game plan, including the layout, game mechanics, and the overall user experience. You could also create sketches or wireframes of the game to help visualize it.

  3. Write the JavaScript code: With the game plan in place, you can start writing the JavaScript code. This would involve using JavaScript to create variables, functions, and control structures that govern the behavior of the game. You may also use libraries or frameworks like Phaser or Pixi.js, to make the development process easier and faster.

  4. Create the game graphics: You can use HTML5 canvas, or use CSS to create the visual elements of the game, like the background, characters, and objects.

  5. Test and refine: Once the game is complete, test it thoroughly and make any necessary adjustments or bug fixes. This would involve playtesting the game to ensure it is working correctly, fixing any bugs that are found, and making any changes to the game's design or mechanics based on player feedback.


Example of a simple game that can be created using JavaScript:

Name: "Guess the Number"

Concept: A number guessing game where the player has to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100.


  1. The game generates a random number between 1 and 100.
  2. The player is prompted to enter a number and the game checks if the number is higher or lower than the randomly generated number.
  3. If the number is correct, the player wins and the game ends.
  4. If the number is incorrect, the player is prompted to enter a new number and the game continues.
  5. The player has a limited number of attempts to guess the number before the game ends.

JavaScript code:


// Generate a random number between 1 and 100

let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;

// Set the number of attempts
let attempts = 0;

// Function to check if the player's guess is correct
function guessNumber() {
    let playerGuess = prompt("Enter a number between 1 and 100:");

    if (playerGuess == randomNumber) {
        alert("Congratulations! You guessed the number in " + attempts + " attempts");
    } else if (playerGuess > randomNumber) {
        alert("Too high. Try again.");
    } else {
        alert("Too low. Try again.");
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