Verb Differences between Action and Linking Verbs English Grammar Lesson Free Online

Action verbs 

Action verbs are verbs that describe actions that can be observed or performed. They can be physical actions, such as run, jump, or dance, or mental actions, such as think, believe, or remember. Here are some examples of sentences with action verbs:

  • She sings beautifully.
  • He ran to the store.
  • They are painting the house.


Linking verbs

Linking verbs on the other hand, connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement. A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject. Linking verbs do not describe action, but rather describe the state or condition of the subject. Common linking verbs include be, become, and seem. Here are some examples of sentences with linking verbs:

  • She is a doctor.
  • The sky looks cloudy.
  • He became sick after eating too much.


Practical uses of action verbs:

  • In the present tense: I eat breakfast every morning.
  • In the past tense: I ate breakfast this morning.
  • In the future tense: I will eat breakfast tomorrow morning.
  • In the present perfect tense: I have eaten breakfast every morning this week.
  • In the past perfect tense: I had eaten breakfast before I left for work.
  • In the future perfect tense: I will have eaten breakfast by the time you wake up.



Practical uses of linking verbs:

  • In the present tense: She is a doctor.
  • In the past tense: He was tired after work.
  • In the future tense: They will be here soon.


Special cases:

  • Some verbs can function as either action verbs or linking verbs depending on the context. For example, the verb "taste" can be an action verb when it describes the action of tasting something: "I tasted the cake." It can also be a linking verb when it describes the state or condition of something: "The cake tastes delicious."
  • Some linking verbs, such as "seem," can be followed by an adjective rather than a subject complement: "She seems happy."



Comprehension exercises Verbs:


  1. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: The pie _____ delicious. a. taste (action verb) b. tastes (action verb) c. tasted (action verb) 


    Answer: b. tastes (action verb)

  2. Identify the verb in the following sentence: She is a doctor. 


    Answer: is (linking verb)

  3. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: He _____ tired after work. a. is (linking verb) b. was (linking verb) c. will be (linking verb) 


    Answer: b. was (linking verb)

  4. Identify the verb in the following sentence: The sky looks cloudy. Answer: looks (linking verb)

  5. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form: She _____ sad after the accident. a. seem (linking verb) b. seems (linking verb) c. seemed (linking verb) 


    Answer: c. seemed (linking verb)


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