Irregular verbs in English Lesson: Examples, Audio, Exercises

Irregular verbs 

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the usual patterns of conjugation in the past tense or past participle. In other words, they do not form their past tense or past participle by adding -ed or -d to the base form. 

Some common irregular verbs include "see," "eat," "drink," "go," "have," "be," and "take."


Examples of irregular verbs:

  1. See: base form, saw (past tense), seen (past participle) Example: I see the sun. I saw the sun yesterday. I have seen the sun many times.

  2. Eat: base form, ate (past tense), eaten (past participle) Example: She eats an apple every day. She ate an apple yesterday. She has eaten many apples.

  3. Drink: base form, drank (past tense), drunk (past participle) Example: He drinks water every day. He drank water yesterday. He has drunk a lot of water.

  4. Go: base form, went (past tense), gone (past participle) Example: They go to the park every day. They went to the park yesterday. They have gone to the park many times.

  5. Have: base form, had (past tense), had (past participle) Example: I have a book. I had a book yesterday. I have had a book for a long time.

  6. Be: base form, was/were (past tense), been (past participle) Example: I am happy. I was happy yesterday. I have been happy for a long time.

  7. Take: base form, took (past tense), taken (past participle) Example: She takes the bus to work. She took the bus to work yesterday. She has taken the bus to work every day.

Irregular verbs are used in the same way as regular verbs, but they must be conjugated differently to show past tense or past participle.


Comprehension exercises Irregular verbs :

  1. Choose the correct past tense form of the verb: She _______ the bus to work. 


    Answer: took

  2. Identify the past participle form of the verb in the following sentence: He has eaten. 


    Answer: eaten

  3. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb: I _______ the sun. 



    Answer: saw

  4. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence: They _______ to the park yesterday.


     Answer: went

  5. Rewrite the following sentence using the correct verb tense: I am happy. 


    Answer: I am happy now.

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