Objects and Complements Differences and Distinctions - English Sentence Parts

Distinguish Objects vs Complements

It is important to distinguish between objects and complements because they serve different grammatical roles in a sentence.

 An object

An object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb. It can be a direct object, which receives the action of the verb directly, or an indirect object, which refers to the person or thing for whom or for which the action of the verb is performed.

A complement

A complement is a word that is necessary to complete the meaning of a verb or adjective. It can be a subject complement, which follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject, or an object complement, which follows a direct object and renames or describes it.


Examples that illustrate the difference between objects and complements:

  1. The cat chased the mouse. (In this sentence, "cat" is the subject, "chased" is the verb, and "mouse" is the direct object. 

    • "Mouse" is the object because it receives the action of the verb.)
  2. She gave him a gift. (In this sentence, "she" is the subject, "gave" is the verb, "him" is the indirect object, and "gift" is the direct object. 

    • "Him" is the indirect object because it refers to the person for whom the action of the verb is performed, and "gift" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb directly.)
  3. The pie smells delicious. (In this sentence, "pie" is the subject, "smells" is the verb, and "delicious" is the subject complement. 

    • "Delicious" is the subject complement because it follows the linking verb "smells" and describes the subject "pie.")


Practical uses for distinguishing between objects and complements include correctly identifying the role of each word in a sentence and properly constructing sentences.


  • She gave him a book. (In this sentence, "book" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "gave." Without the direct object, the sentence would be incomplete.)
  • He seems tired. (In this sentence, "tired" is the subject complement because it follows the linking verb "seems" and describes the subject "he." Without the subject complement, the sentence would be incomplete.)


Special cases and challenges Objects vs Complements

Special cases and challenges to consider when distinguishing between objects and complements.

  1. Transitive and intransitive verbs: Some verbs can take an object, while others cannot. These are called transitive and intransitive verbs, respectively.


  • She ate the pie. (In this sentence, "ate" is a transitive verb because it takes a direct object, "pie.")
  • She slept. (In this sentence, "slept" is an intransitive verb because it does not take an object.)
  1. Ambiguous sentences: Some sentences may be ambiguous and could be interpreted in more than one way.


  • She gave the book to her sister. (In this sentence, it is unclear whether "book" is the direct object or "sister" is the indirect object. Both interpretations are possible, and more context would be needed to determine the correct interpretation.)


Comprehension exercises Distinguish Objects vs Complements :

  1. Identify the object and complement in the following sentence: "She appointed him chairman."


Answer: The object is "him," and the complement is "chairman." "Him" is the object because it receives the action of the verb "appointed," and "chairman" is the complement because it renames the object "him."


  1. Choose the correct sentence: a) He looks happy. b) He looks happily.



Answer: a) He looks happy.


  1. Identify the object and complement in the following sentence: "They made the cake chocolate."



Answer: The object is "cake," and the complement is "chocolate." "Cake" is the object because it receives the action of the verb "made," and "chocolate" is the complement because it describes the object "cake."


  1. Choose the correct sentence: a) She gave her mother a necklace for her birthday. b) She gave a necklace for her mother's birthday.



Answer: a) She gave her mother a necklace for her birthday.


  1. Complete the following sentence: "The judges declared the defendant ___________."


Answer: The judges declared the defendant guilty.

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