Personal Pronouns in English Language


Personal pronouns are words that are used to replace specific nouns in a sentence.

Types of personal pronouns:

  1. First person pronouns: I, we
  • Example: I am going to the store.
  1. Second person pronouns: you
  • Example: You are going to the store.
  1. Third person pronouns: he, she, it, they
  • Example: He is going to the store.

Extended Types of personal pronouns :

  1. First person singular: I - I am feeling tired today.
  2. First person plural: we - We are going on vacation next week.
  3. Second person singular: you - You should bring an umbrella if it rains.
  4. Second person plural: you - You should all bring your homework to class tomorrow.
  5. Third person singular (male): he - He is the new manager at the company.
  6. Third person singular (female): she - She is going to the concert tonight.
  7. Third person singular (neutral): it - It is getting colder outside.
  8. Third person plural: they - They are going to the movie tomorrow.


Practical uses:

  • Personal pronouns can be used to make writing and speaking more concise.
  • They can also be used to clarify who is performing an action or to whom it is being done.

Special cases:

  • Possessive personal pronouns show ownership. Examples: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
  • Reflexive personal pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. Examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Comprehension exercises Personal Pronouns:

  1. Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence: "I am going to the store."

Answer: I

  1. Identify the possessive personal pronoun in the following sentence: "That is your book."

Answer: your

  1. Identify the reflexive pronoun in the following sentence: "She hurt herself while playing soccer."

Answer: herself

  1. Choose the correct personal pronoun to complete the following sentence: "_____ went to the store." a) He b) His c) She

Answer: a) He

  1. Choose the correct possessive personal pronoun to complete the following sentence: "The cat is _____." a) my b) your c) its

Answer: c) its

  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun: "I hurt _____ while lifting weights."

Answer: I hurt myself while lifting weights.

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