Phrasal verbs Lesson with Comprehension Tests, examples, audio

Phrasal verbs in English Language

A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a base verb and one or two particles, such as prepositions or adverbs. The combination of the base verb and the particle(s) creates a new meaning that is different from the original verb. Here are some examples of phrasal verbs:

  • Turn off (base verb: turn, particle: off): to stop the operation of something
  • Run into (base verb: run, particle: into): to collide with something or someone unexpectedly
  • Look up (base verb: look, particle: up): to search for information in a reference book or online
  • Get along (base verb: get, particle: along): to have a good relationship with someone


Practical uses of phrasal verbs:

  • Phrasal verbs are commonly used in spoken English, but they can also be found in written English, particularly in informal contexts.
  • Phrasal verbs can add variety and colloquial flavor to writing, but it is important to use them appropriately in order to avoid confusion.


Special cases Phrasal verbs:

  • Some phrasal verbs are separable, which means that the particle can be placed between the verb and its direct object. Example: She turned the TV off (separable) vs. She turned off the TV (inseparable).
  • Some phrasal verbs are transitive, which means that they require a direct object. Example: She turned off the TV (transitive) vs. She turned around (intransitive).
  • Some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning, depending on the context in which they are used. Example: "I looked up the word" (search for information) vs. "I looked up at the sky" (raised one's gaze).


Comprehension exercises Phrasal verbs:

  1. Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: He _____ the door when he saw me. a. closed up b. closed c. closed down 


    Answer: b. closed

  2. Identify the phrasal verb in the following sentence: I ran into an old friend at the grocery store. 


    Answer: ran into

  3. Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: She _____ gave the report before you asked her to. a. did up b. did c. did in 


    Answer: b. did

  4. Identify the phrasal verb in the following sentence: They get along well despite their differences. 


    Answer: get along

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