Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

  1. Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. Examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
  • Example: She hurt herself while playing soccer.
  1. Intensive pronouns are used to add emphasis to the subject of the sentence. They are identical to reflexive pronouns, but they are used differently in a sentence. Examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
  • Example: I myself am going to the store.

Practical uses:

  • Reflexive pronouns can be used to clarify who is performing an action or to whom it is being done.
  • Intensive pronouns can be used to add emphasis or to clarify that the speaker or writer is the one performing the action.

Special cases:

  • Some reflexive and intensive pronouns have different forms for the singular and plural. Examples: myself/ourselves, yourself/yourselves, himself/themselves, herself/themselves, itself/themselves
  • Some reflexive and intensive pronouns have different forms for the male and female. Examples: himself/herself, himself/herself, himself/herself, herself/themselves

Comprehension exercises Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns :


  1. Identify the reflexive pronoun in the following sentence: "She hurt herself while playing soccer."

Answer: herself

  1. Identify the intensive pronoun in the following sentence: "I myself am going to the store."

Answer: myself

  1. Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the following sentence: "We hurt _____ while lifting weights." a) ourselves b) ourselves' c) ourself

Answer: a) ourselves

  1. Choose the correct intensive pronoun to complete the following sentence: "I _____ am going to the store." a) myself b) yourself c) himself

Answer: a) myself

  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun: "She baked a cake _____." a) herself b) himself c) itself

Answer: a) herself

  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct intensive pronoun: "I _____ made this cake." a) myself b) yourself c) himself

Answer: a) myself



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