Vowel sounds in English - Free Lesson

 In English, there are five main vowel sounds:

  1. /iː/ as in "beat"
  2. /ɪ/ as in "bit"
  3. /æ/ as in "bat"
  4. /ɑː/ as in "bought"
  5. /ɒ/ as in "bought"

There are also several other vowel sounds in English that are considered to be "long vowels" or "diphthongs":

  1. /eɪ/ as in "bake"
  2. /aɪ/ as in "buy"
  3. /oʊ/ as in "boat"
  4. /aʊ/ as in "bout"
  5. /juː/ as in "beauty"

Vowel sounds are important in English because they help to distinguish one word from another. For example, the words "bit" and "beat" are pronounced differently due to the different vowel sounds used.

To improve your English vowel pronunciation, it can be helpful to practice saying words that contain different vowel sounds and pay attention to the position of your mouth and tongue as you say them. It can also be helpful to listen to native English speakers and try to imitate the way they pronounce vowel sounds.

  • Long vowel sounds: These are pronounced as a long, steady sound and are represented by a single vowel letter. Examples include /eɪ/ as in "cake", /aɪ/ as in "ice", and /oʊ/ as in "octopus".

  • Short vowel sounds: These are pronounced as a short, unstressed sound and are represented by a single vowel letter. Examples include /æ/ as in "cat", /ɛ/ as in "bed", and /ʌ/ as in "cup".

  • Diphthongs: These are vowel sounds that are made up of two vowel sounds pronounced together. Examples include /aʊ/ as in "house" and /aɪ/ as in "mine".

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