About You - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

About You - Key expressions and Phrases in English

Sharing information about yourself is essential for building connections! Learn online phrases that will help you describe your background, interests, and personality. Knowing how to talk about yourself can foster meaningful conversations and relationships. Use these phrases to introduce yourself and engage others in dialogue!

  1. My name is John Doe, and I’m from Los Angeles.
  2. I enjoy painting and hiking during my free time.
  3. I work as a software developer at Tech Solutions.
  4. I studied Computer Science at Stanford University.
  5. I’m passionate about environmental conservation.
  6. I have five years of experience in web development.
  7. In my spare time, I love to cook and try new recipes!
  8. I’m currently learning Spanish to improve my language skills.
  9. I’m a big fan of mystery novels and science fiction films.
  10. I enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories!
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