Asking / Telling Days of the Week - Basic expressions in English Language

Asking / Telling Days of the Week - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Understanding days of the week helps in planning! Learn online phrases for telling and asking about days. Knowing how to communicate about the days can enhance your scheduling and make social planning easier. Use these phrases to keep track of your weekly activities!

  1. What day is today?
  2. Today is Tuesday, and I have a meeting.
  3. Can we meet on Friday?
  4. What are your plans for this Saturday?
  5. I work every Monday through Friday.
  6. Is the office open on Sundays?
  7. What do you usually do on weekends?
  8. Can we schedule a call for next Thursday?
  9. Do you have anything planned for the upcoming holiday?
  10. What’s your favorite day of the week?
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