Seasons and Years - Basic expressions in English Language

Telling / Asking Seasons and Years - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Understanding seasons and years is vital for planning activities throughout the year! Study online phrases for telling and asking about seasons and years. Knowing how to communicate about seasons can enhance your discussions about weather, holidays, and events. Use these phrases to navigate conversations about time more effectively!

  1. What season are we in right now?
  2. It’s winter, and I love the snow!
  3. Do you prefer summer or winter activities?
  4. What year did you graduate?
  5. Are there any special events in the spring?
  6. How do you usually celebrate the New Year?
  7. What’s your favorite season and why?
  8. When do the leaves change color in autumn?
  9. Can we plan our trip for the next summer?
  10. How many years have you been working here?
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