Degrees of comparison, positive, comparative superlative


 The degrees of comparison are ways of comparing the degree or intensity of an adjective or adverb. They include the positive degree, the comparative degree, and the superlative degree.

Positive Degree: 

This is the basic form of an adjective or adverb, such as "big," "small," "fast," and "slow."

Comparative Degree: 

This is used to compare two things, such as "bigger," "smaller," "faster," and "slower."

Superlative Degree: 

This is used to indicate the highest or lowest degree of an adjective or adverb, such as "biggest," "smallest," "fastest," and "slowest."


  1. "The elephant is big." (positive degree)
  2. "The elephant is bigger than the horse." (comparative degree)
  3. "The elephant is the biggest animal in the zoo." (superlative degree)
  4. "He runs fast." (positive degree)
  5. "He runs faster than his friend." (comparative degree)
  6. "He runs the fastest in his class." (superlative degree)

Special Cases:

  • Adjectives with one or two syllables usually form their comparative and superlative degrees by adding -er and -est to the positive form.
  • Some adjectives have irregular forms for their comparative and superlative degrees, such as good, better, best; bad, worse, worst.

Common Mistakes:

  • Using the wrong form of the adjective or adverb, such as using "good" instead of "well."
  • Not using the appropriate degree of comparison to indicate comparison, such as "He runs fast" instead of "He runs faster than his friend."

Practical Uses:

  1. To indicate comparison between two or more things, as in "The elephant is bigger than the horse."
  2. To indicate the highest or lowest degree of an adjective or adverb, as in "The elephant is the biggest animal in the zoo."
  3. To indicate emphasis, as in "He is extremely fast."
  4. To indicate a change in degree over time, as in "He's getting faster and faster."

Comprehension Exercises:

  1. Fill in the blank: The elephant is _____ than the horse. 
  2. Identify the superlative degree in the following sentence: "The elephant is the biggest animal in the zoo." 
  3. Rewrite the following sentence correctly: "He runs fast" 
  4. Complete the following sentence: "He runs _____ than his friend." 
  5. Identify the positive degree in the following sentence: "The elephant is big." 
  6. Rewrite the following sentence correctly: "He's the best in class"

Match Answers to Exercises:

(Answer: He runs faster than his friend.)
(Answer: bigger)
(Answer: faster)
 (Answer: He's the best student in class)
(Answer: biggest)
(Answer: big)
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