Indefinite pronouns English Free Grammar Lesson with Examples, Quizzes, Audio

Indefinite pronouns Definition:

are words that refer to people or things without specifying who or what they are. Some common indefinite pronouns include: all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, neither, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody, someone, something.

Indefinite pronouns  examples:

  • All of the students passed the exam. (All refers to the entire group of students.)
  • I need another pencil. (Another refers to an additional object of the same type.)
  • Is there anything you want to add? (Anything refers to an unknown object or idea.)
  • Both of the cups are broken. (Both refers to two objects of the same type.)
  • Each of the cookies has nuts. (Each refers to every individual object in a group.)
  • Somebody left their jacket in the classroom. (Somebody refers to an unknown person.)
  • Many people came to the concert. (Many refers to a large number of people.)

Practical uses of indefinite pronouns include:

  • Referring to an unknown person or thing: "Someone left their keys on the table."
  • Referring to an unknown amount or quantity: "There are several reasons for this."
  • Referring to a group of people or things: "Everybody needs to bring their own lunch."

Special cases to consider when using indefinite pronouns:

  • When the pronoun is the subject of a verb, the verb should be singular: "Nobody is coming to the party."
  • When the pronoun is the object of a verb, it should be treated as plural: "I gave each of them a gift."

Exercises Indefinite pronouns:

  • Identify the indefinite pronoun in each sentence: a. Many people came to the concert. b. Somebody left their jacket in the classroom. c. Both of the cups are broken. d. Each of the cookies has nuts.


  • Rewrite the following sentences using an indefinite pronoun: a. The dogs bark at anyone who walks by. b. The teacher gave every student an A. c. Someone left their keys on the table. d. There are several reasons for this.


  • Complete the following sentences with the correct indefinite pronoun: a. _______ (nobody/anybody) is coming to the party. b. I gave _______ (each/every) of them a gift. c. _______ (both/all) of the cups are broken. d. Is there _______ (something/anything) you want to add?


  • Choose the correct indefinite pronoun to complete the following sentences: a. _______ (nobody/anybody) is going to the store. b. _______ (Everyone/Somebody) needs to bring their own lunch. c. _______ (All/Both) of the cookies have nuts. d. _______ (Someone/Everyone) left their keys on the table.


  • Complete the following sentence with the correct indefinite pronoun: "_______ (Neither/Either) of the cups is broken."



Many Somebody Both Each

Anyone Everybody Somebody Several

nobody each both something

nobody Everyone All Someone


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