Pronoun agreement in English Language

Pronoun agreement refers to the correct matching of a pronoun to the noun or pronoun it refers to in a sentence. 

Types of pronoun agreement to consider:

  1. Subject-verb agreement: In this type of pronoun agreement, the verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in number. For example:
  • He is happy. (singular subject, singular verb)
  • They are happy. (plural subject, plural verb)
  1. Antecedent-pronoun agreement: In this type of pronoun agreement, the pronoun must agree with the noun it refers to (called the antecedent) in number, gender, and person. For example:
  • Sarah is reading a book. She is enjoying it. (singular antecedent, singular pronoun)
  • The dogs are playing in the yard. They are having fun. (plural antecedent, plural pronoun)
  1. Possessive pronoun agreement: In this type of pronoun agreement, the possessive pronoun must agree with the noun it modifies in number and person. For example:
  • My cat is sleeping on the couch. (singular possessive pronoun)
  • Our cats are sleeping on the couch. (plural possessive pronoun)

Practical uses for pronoun agreement 

include making sentences clear and avoiding confusion about what a pronoun refers to. Here are some example sentences using pronoun agreement in practical situations:

  • I have a meeting at 2pm, and she has a meeting at 3pm. (clear reference to two separate people)
  • The cake is for my sister and me. (clear reference to the speaker and one other person)


Special cases to consider when using pronoun agreement

  1. Indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns, such as "everyone," "someone," and "nobody," can be singular or plural depending on the context. For example:
  • Everyone is invited to the party. (singular verb)
  • Some of the cookies are missing. (plural verb)
  1. Collective nouns: Collective nouns, such as "team" and "group," can be singular or plural depending on whether they are acting as a unit or as individuals. For example:
  • The team is playing well. (singular verb, acting as a unit)
  • The group are all wearing matching shirts. (plural verb, acting as individuals)


Comprehension exercises for you to practice pronoun agreement:

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb form to complete each of the following sentences:

  1. The dog _______ barking at the squirrel. (is / are)
  2. The cats _______ hiding under the bed. (is / are)
  3. My sister _______ going to the store. (is / are)
  4. The class _______ studying for the exam. (is / are)
  5. The team _______ winning their game. (is / are)

Answers: 1. is 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. is

Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences to make the pronoun agreement correct:

  1. The teacher gave the students their homework.
  2. My friend and I are going to the movies.
  3. Someone left their umbrella in the rain.
  4. The band is playing their instruments.
  5. The group of birds are flying south for the winter.

Answers: 1. The teacher gave the students their homework. 2. My friend and I are going to the movies. 3. Someone left their umbrella in the rain

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