Relative pronouns in English Language Lesson with Examples, Audio, Comprehension Tests

Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to introduce a clause that provides additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Examples: who, whom, whose, that, which

  • Example: The woman who was standing in line is my sister.

Practical uses Relative pronouns:

  • Relative pronouns can be used to join clauses and provide more information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence.
  • They can also be used to make writing more concise by avoiding the repetition of information.

Special cases Relative pronouns:

  • The relative pronoun "who" is used to refer to people.
  • The relative pronoun "whom" is used to refer to people and is the objective form of "who."
  • The relative pronoun "whose" is used to show possession for people.
  • The relative pronoun "that" is used to refer to people, animals, and things.
  • The relative pronoun "which" is used to refer to animals and things.

Comprehension exercises Relative pronouns:

  1. Identify the relative pronoun in the following sentence: "The woman who was standing in line is my sister."

Answer: who

  1. Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the following sentence: "The car _____ broke down on the highway is mine." a) who b) whom c) whose d) that e) which

Answer: d) that

  1. Identify the relative pronoun in the following sentence: "The cat, which was hiding under the bed, scared me."

Answer: which

  1. Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the following sentence: "The man _____ I saw at the store is my neighbor." a) who b) whom c) whose d) that e) which

Answer: a) who

  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct relative pronoun: "The book _____ cover is torn is mine." a) who b) whom c) whose d) that e) which

Answer: c) whose

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