The Verb in English Language Lesson with Examples, Exercises, Audio


Verbs  are words that describe actions, states, or occurrences.

Types of verbs:

  • Action verbs: describe actions that can be observed or performed. Example: run, jump, dance.
  • Linking verbs: connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement. Example: be, become, seem.
  • Modal verbs: express necessity, possibility, or ability. Example: must, can, could.
  • Auxiliary verbs: help form tenses, moods, or voices of other verbs. Example: be, have, do.

Practical uses of verbs:

  • In the present tense: I eat breakfast every morning.
  • In the past tense: I ate breakfast this morning.
  • In the future tense: I will eat breakfast tomorrow morning.
  • In the present perfect tense: I have eaten breakfast every morning this week.
  • In the past perfect tense: I had eaten breakfast before I left for work.
  • In the future perfect tense: I will have eaten breakfast by the time you wake up.

Special cases Verbs :

  • Irregular verbs: do not follow the usual rules for verb forms. Example: go (goes, went, gone), have (has, had, had).
  • Passive voice: the verb is in the passive voice when the subject is being acted upon. Example: The cake was eaten by the dog (active voice: The dog ate the cake).
  • Subjunctive mood: expresses doubt, uncertainty, or contrary-to-fact conditions. Example: If I were you, I would apologize.

Comprehension exercises Verbs :

  1. Identify the verb in the following sentence: I am going to the store. 


    Answer: going

  2. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: She _____ the report last night. a. write b. wrote c. written


     Answer: b. wrote

  3. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: I have _____ that book before. a. read b. reads c. reading 


    Answer: a. read

  4. Identify the verb in the following sentence: The dog was chased by the cat. 


    Answer: chased

  5. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form: If I _____ rich, I would travel the world. a. am b. were c. was 


    Answer: b. were

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