Dining and Food - Essential English Language Phrases

Dining and Food - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Indulge in delightful dining experiences with these essential phrases!Learn practical phrases that will help you order food, ask about ingredients, and express your culinary preferences. Knowing how to communicate in a dining setting can elevate your meals, whether you’re at a local eatery or a fine restaurant. With these common English phrases and useful vocabulary, you’ll savor every bite with confidence!

  1. I would like to order the grilled salmon, please.
  2. Can I have the bill, please?
  3. Do you have any vegetarian options on the menu?
  4. What’s today’s special dish?
  5. I’m allergic to nuts; can you accommodate that?
  6. Can I have this to go, please?
  7. Is service included in the bill?
  8. Could I have a glass of water with my meal?
  9. This looks delicious! Can you tell me what’s in it?
  10. Can I get this without cheese, please?
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