Shopping - Essential English Language Phrases

Shopping - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Master the art of shopping with confidence! Discover useful phrases that will enhance your shopping experience, whether you're browsing in a local market or looking for the perfect gift. Knowing what to say can help you negotiate prices, ask about sizes, and find exactly what you need. With these basic words and everyday expressions, shopping will become a breeze, allowing you to enjoy every moment!

  1. How much is this beautiful dress?
  2. Can I try this on in the fitting room?
  3. Do you have this shirt in a different size?
  4. I’m just looking, thank you for your help!
  5. Can I get a discount on this item?
  6. Where is the fitting room located?
  7. Do you accept credit cards, or is it cash only?
  8. Can I return this if it doesn’t fit properly?
  9. Is this item on sale, or is the price fixed?
  10. What are your store hours for the weekend?
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