Directions and Transportation - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Directions and Transportation - Essential English Language Phrases

Navigating new cities is easy with these key phrases! Study phrases for asking for directions and using public transportation. Knowing how to inquire about routes, schedules, and ticket purchases will make your travels smoother and more enjoyable. With these common English phrases and everyday expressions, you'll confidently explore new destinations!

  1. How do I get to the Eiffel Tower from here?
  2. Is this the right bus to downtown?
  3. Where is the nearest subway station located?
  4. Can you show me on the map where we are?
  5. What’s the best route to take to avoid traffic?
  6. How long does it take to get to the museum?
  7. Can I buy tickets here for the bus?
  8. What time does the last train leave for the night?
  9. Do I need to transfer to another line to get there?
  10. Is there a direct bus to the airport from here?
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