Weather and Seasons - English Audio Phrases Learn Online

Weather and Seasons - Basic expressions in English Language

Learn Phrases about the weather. Common phrases for discussing the weather and seasons. Whether you want to comment on a sunny day or inquire about seasonal changes, these phrases will keep you engaged in conversations about the climate. Get ready to chat about the weather effortlessly with these basic words and useful vocabulary!

  1. What’s the weather like today?
  2. Is it going to rain later?
  3. It’s sunny and warm outside today!
  4. What’s the forecast for the week ahead?
  5. It’s really cold outside; make sure to dress warmly!
  6. Do you like this season, or do you prefer summer?
  7. It’s so humid today; I can barely breathe!
  8. Can I expect snow this week, or will it just be rain?
  9. What’s your favorite season of the year?
  10. It’s a beautiful day for a walk in the park!
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